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Invisalign Caerphilly

Looking for invisalign? With the latest technology and techniques, we can help you get a perfect smile

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a modern and discreet alternative to traditional metal braces. It uses a series of clear aligners that are custom-made to fit your teeth and gradually shift them into the desired position. These aligners are virtually invisible, making them a popular choice for those who want to straighten their teeth without the noticeable appearance of traditional braces.

At Northview Dental, our experienced dentists use advanced technology to create an individual treatment plan tailored to your needs, so you can achieve the smile you’ve always wanted!

Invisalign is comfortable and discreet, making it perfect for adults or teens who want to improve their smiles without having to worry about metal braces impacting their appearance.

Plus, with regular check-ins at our clinics throughout your treatment journey, we can ensure you get the results you desire quickly and safely. So why wait? Get started on the path towards achieving your perfect smile

Invisalign Before & After

Steps to Invisalign Treatment


Free Consultation

Visit our practice for a free Invisalign consultation. We’ll evaluate your individual dental condition and discuss a tailored treatment plan with you, using our latest technologies and techniques.


Invisalign Scan

Once you’ve made your decision, we’ll invite you back for a scan, where we build a 3D model of your smile. From here, our experienced team of dental professionals will help you to devise a tailored treatment plan—one that meets your needs and fits within your budget.


Start Treatment

Once you are happy with your 3D scan we will order your aligners, which usually take 2 to 3 weeks to arrive. We can discuss payment options and start your treatment right away!


During Treatment

Every 4-8 weeks, a brand-new set of aligners will be delivered to you. Each set of aligners will bring your teeth one step closer to their ideal position.

Benefits of Invisalign

Dr Andrew Sullivan BDS

Dr Andrew Sullivan is a platinum provider of Invisalign, the clear alternative to braces. Dr Sullivan is dedicated to helping his patients achieve their perfect smile with the latest in orthodontic technology.

At Northview Dental, we understand that traditional metal braces may not be suitable for everyone. That’s why we offer Invisalign – a discreet and comfortable option for straightening your teeth without the hassle of wires and brackets.

Why choose Northview Dental for Invisalign?

At Northview Dental Practice we are trusted partners with Invisalign, meaning you can trust us to deliver the highest quality care using Invisalign technology.

We understand how important it is for your smile to be healthy and look its best, and with Invisalign we can help you achieve your goals quickly and comfortably. Our experienced team of dentists will use aligners customised specifically for you to gently move your teeth into the desired position in a fraction of the time compared with traditional braces.

With ongoing checkups along the way, you can be sure that your treatment is progressing exactly as planned.

Contact us today for more information about our Invisalign services!

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Fill out the form with as much detail as possible. One of our friendly team members will then process your form and call you within 24 hours to confirm your appointment.

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